Saturday, April 18, 2009


Have you ever spent hours cooking up a delightful dinner for your family? You have just set it out on the table, steaming hot. Then out of nowhere appears a van full of visitors from out of state? You do a quick calculation of the amount of food to the amount of people. You know for certain that there is enough food for four but there will not be enough for 12!

Suddenly you find the words “OH NO!” coming out of your mouth. You don’t really mean that you don’t want the visitors. You just mean that the timing is off. Even a half hour later, when the dishes were cleared away, would have been better. That isn’t how it worked that day! Here they were and there you were. What to do?

Take a moment to gather your thoughts. Then prayerfully realize that no matter what the situation, Scripture makes clear what our task is - to be hospitable no matter to whom or when.

Practice hospitality ungrudgingly to one another.
I Peter 4:9

Heavenly Father, help me to see Your hand even in the unexpected. Please mold my initial reactions to those which are pleasing to You. Help me practice hospitality. In Jesus’ name. Amen.

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