Monday, November 30, 2009


A poison ivy rash had developed on my hand which, if treated with a simple application of homemade soap, would stop itching and disappear within days. As time went by and I neglected to apply the soap, the rash became angry looking, spreading up my arm.

One day, while visiting our local library, we noticed that Bill, a volunteer there, had also developed a case of poison ivy. The rash on his arms and legs was blistering badly. Feeling intense sympathy for his plight, I promised to drive home, get the special soap for him and return so that he could immediately apply it. The horrible itching would stop and he would begin healing.

Isn’t it interesting that we jump quickly to help someone else when, for ourselves, we procrastinate, allowing our own bodies to suffer. Certainly, since God has given us these bodies to use as instruments to serve Him, then it is our responsibility to be good stewards of them until He returns.

Do you not know that your body is a temple of the Holy Spirit within you, which you have from God? I Corinthians 6:19

Heavenly Father, thank You for opening my eyes to others’ needs. Now please open my eyes to my own needs and show me to be diligent in the care of the body You have loaned me. In Jesus’ name. Amen

Monday, November 23, 2009


Late autumn was upon us and so were the sounds of the season.

One day, while hoeing my garden plot, my daughter yelled, “Stop!” I kept on hoeing. She yelled at me again to stop but I kept right on with my work, thinking she was worried that I was going to hurt the plants as I swung that hoe.

Suddenly my daughter took matters into her own hands, reaching down to rescue the largest grasshopper I’ve ever seen. I was so glad, then, to stop.

I wonder . . . why hadn’t I heeded when my daughter yelled “Stop” the first and then the second time. Why did I stop only when I could see the reason why.

Do we often ignore God’s words, failing to heed and obey until we can see clearly the reason why? I hope not. Our heart’s desire should be to obey just because He is God, not needing to know the reason behind His directions.

Therefore Eli said to Samuel, "Go, lie down; and if He calls you, you shall say, "Speak, Lord, for Thy servant hears." I Samuel 3:9

Heavenly Father, please help me to hear Your voice and obey even if I don’t see the reason why. In Jesus’ name. Amen.

Monday, November 16, 2009


Have you ever held a job or been involved in volunteer work which, you felt, the Lord was drawing to a close for you? Yet you hated to leave...people were relying on you, the work was enjoyable, the hours were perfect. Yet God’s still, small voice kept urging you to withdraw.

We are usually great at putting ourselves into action when we think we have a go-ahead from the Lord. Some of us, however, are a little slow at listening to God when He says “Stop!”. What a familiar scene it is, though. As we continue to ignore God’s “Stop,” our days become busier and busier. Our stress level continues to increase. Only then do we realize that something is amiss. Finally we decide to listen to God’s insistent voice.

Therefore, as the Holy Spirit says, “Today when you hear his voice, do not harden your hearts.... Hebrews 3:7-8

Heavenly Father, please open my heart to listen more closely to You, especially when you say “Stop!” In Jesus’ name. Amen.

Monday, November 9, 2009


Have you ever sat down to relax, read a book and found that your entire body is tensed up? You consciously try to relax but find all of the day’s stress is stored in your body.

Have you ever wondered what that stress is doing to you? How it affects your heart and mind? How the surges of adrenaline affect blood sugar, blood vessels and nerve fibers?

God, who created us, knows what He is talking about when He urges us not to be anxious about anything!

Have no anxiety about anything, but by prayer and supplication with thanksgiving, let your requests be made known to God. Philippians 4:6

Heavenly Father, please remind me - often - to talk with You about everything. AND to relax. You are in control of EVERYTHING! In Jesus’ name. Amen.

Monday, November 2, 2009


The leaves fell off the trees. No longer was the house shaded, the rooms dark and cozy. Now every nook and cranny was exposed to the sunlight blasting through the windows.

Cobwebs and dust suddenly appeared out of nowhere. It could be seen that the kitchen floor needed a good scrubbing. Even the plants needed their leaves washed off.

As the light came pouring through the windows, I knew exactly what two friends of mine meant when they commented on how clearly they could see now that their cataracts were removed. The colors! The light!

All of a sudden I, too, could see clearly. And this is how God sees us - clearly, every nook and cranny. He sees not only my outward actions but my inner thoughts, attitudes, motives and purposes.

As we clean our homes, may we also spend some time seeing what God sees in us - our thoughts, attitudes, motives and purposes. May we correct what needs correction but also let us allow ourselves to see and be thankful for the goodness God has placed in each of us - if we allow Him entrance.

But when anything is exposed by the light it becomes visible . . . . Ephesians 5:14

He (Jesus) is the sole expression of the glory of God and the Light being, the out-raying of the divine. Hebrews 1:3

You have loved righteousness - You have delighted in integrity, virtue and uprightness in purpose, thought and action. Hebrews 1:9

Heavenly Father, please shine Your light upon me at this season of my life. Let me see myself as You see me - that You love me, that You want the best for me. In Jesus' name. Amen.