If my dad were here, I would ask him why he loved to dive from the Arch Street bridge when he was a kid, what it was like growing up with nine siblings, why we moved to the west coast when I was a child. Many unanswered questions remain now that they have gone home to be with the Lord.
I am wondering if I, myself, an leaving my children’s or friends' questions unanswered. They may not be asking them, but the questions are there nonetheless. There is so much I want to share with them about their history, my history and most important, how God has lovingly cared for me (and them) through the years.
No, we don’t have to start “preaching”, but we can begin to set down on paper or on a tape recorder all of those things we would like to voice. Our words will echo down through the generations. Our friends and descendants will know what we believed, in Whom we believed and what He means to you.
. . . that you may tell the next generation that this is God, our God for ever and ever. He will be our guide for ever. Psalm 48:13 & 14
Heavenly Father, please give me the words to share how precious You are to me. In Jesus’ name. Amen.
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