Have you ever really wanted to show God your love for Him? You told Him you’d do anything
. . . anything . . . to prove that love.
All of a sudden people started coming to you with a multitude of requests.
After careful prayer, you sensed the Lord directing you to say “no” to each request. It was clear, you were not to help in those areas.
What are you to think? You just told God you’d do anything . . . . Then when you felt you could prove your love for Him, you find yourself saying, “No” to people.
Oh, how important it is to realize that our obedience to God can also mean NOT doing something - even if it is something a friend requests us to do. Our obedience to God takes top priority although a thousand friends are urging another action. Will we obey Him?
We must obey God rather than men. Acts 5:29
Heavenly Father, please give me the courage to always hear Your voice speaking above the crowd. In Jesus’ name. Amen.
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