Do you sometimes feel tossed to and fro like you are a beach ball bobbing on the water? You are constantly being pulled, pushed and tugged this way and that. You find yourself being asked to become involved in this exciting new project, or to become involved that necessary cause. You sense it is all too much. The phone rings and you run to answer it, trying to meet one more need. The dog is ill and needs to go the the vet - NOW! The children’s school calls - you have a sick child waiting in the nurse’s office. - NOW. Your husband needs something - NOW. Your boss needs a report - NOW! You find yourself running, stumbling, picking yourself up and running again, knowing that this isn’t how God intended life to be lived. Where is the peace He promised?
When you feel like that beach ball, being tossed to and fro on the waves of life, STOP! Just STOP! Dive down into the peace of God. When one “dwells deep”, every wave, big or small, has little influence on your inner life. Yes, the outward life still must go pick up the child from school, care for your husband and get that report to your boss but inside is peace because you are dwelling in God Himself and He is dwelling in you.
Peace I leave with you, My peace I give to you; not as the world gives do I give to you.
John 14:27
Heavenly Father, the next time I find myself overwhelmed, please remind me to dive deeply into Your love and peace. In Jesus’ name. Amen.
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