After a few weeks, the man noticed that the phone wasn’t being answered, the paperwork was piling up and he didn’t know where he was to be and when.
The man decided to watch how his secretary was spending her time. He noticed that she was always present at the office, but that she was busy doing other things - mopping the floor, re-potting his plants and reading manuals on how to be a better secretary. Certainly those were all “good” and helpful tasks, but the tasks authorized by her boss weren’t being accomplish.
Do we do this, too? Do we neglect those things God has authorized us to do because we are too busy doing other ‘good’ tasks?
On judgment day many will tell me, “Lord, Lord, we prophesied in your name and cast out demons in your name and performed many miracles in your name.” But I will reply, “I never knew you. Go away; the things you did were unauthorized.” Matthew 7:22-23
Heavenly Father, please teach me to do those things which You authorize me to do and to leave the rest in Your hands. In Jesus’ name. Amen.
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