Recently we bought a new bottle of aspirin. Without thinking, I threw the old empty bottle away. It was a distinctive looking bottle, one which we had used for years and which was easy to spot in the medicine cabinet.
I was feeling some regret about my hasty action. I actually missed that old bottle.
A small thing, to be sure, but it pointed to a real emotion we humans experience - that of regret - feeling badly over a particular act we have done or word we have spoken.
What can we do with that horrible feeling of regret? First, we need to discover whether our action was sin or just thoughtlessness. (Sin is a deliberate, willful act contrary to God’s Word or command to us.)
Second, if our action or word was sin, we need to ask God’s forgiveness. (No, throwing the aspirin bottle away wasn’t sin, just thoughtlessness.)
Third, we may need to ask a person’s forgiveness if we have sinned against him or her.
Fourth, Jesus gives us the next step to take:
No one who puts his hand to the plow and looks back is fit for the kingdom of God. Luke 9:62
Heavenly Father, I ask forgiveness for any word or action which was displeasing to You. I place any regret for that into Your hands and ask that You bring about good, in spite of it. In Jesus’ name. Amen.
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