It was spring clean-up time in my yard. Tree branches which had been blown down to the ground during the winter were removed so the grass could grow unhindered. Next, leaf debris was removed from the flower beds. During the winter a covering of leaves was a good thing, creating a warm blanket for bulbs and plants which were dormant. As warmer weather arrived, however, the leaf debris was smothering, not protecting, any new spring growth. It was time for the debris to be removed so new life could spring forth.
In our lives it is much the same. The old, dry and dead needs to be periodically removed so new life can sprout and grow. How does your life look this spring - is your life cluttered with the old and dead or have you removed the debris so you are ready for whatever God may have next?
Therefore, if anyone is in Christ he is a new creation; the old has passed away, behold, the new has come. II Corinthians 5:27
Heavenly Father, thank You that You expect us to prepare for and welcome new life and growth from You. In Jesus’ name. Amen.
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