Have you ever noticed how children compete among themselves for their parents’ attention?
When they were small, competition reigns as they clamor to sit on a parent’s lap, to choose which book to be read aloud, to tell all of the happenings of their day. When they grow older, the competition increases - who will speak first, who will get the largest helping at the dinner table.
Some siblings, even grown and moved away from home, continue to compete - in the area of the number of grandchildren, careers and types of cars driven. It doesn’t seem to end, that competition for a parent’s love.
Haven’t we learned that love is limitless? As child after child is added to a family, love isn’t divided up
. . . it multiplies. Haven’t we yet realized that God has an infinite amount of love to bestow . . . through parents . . . through us?
Let’s see how much love can be multiplied in and through us to those whom God sends to us.
Beloved, let us love one another; for love is of God, and he who loves is born of God and knows God. I John 4:7
Heavenly Father, please help me to see Your limitless love . . . and then to give it to those around me. In Jesus’ name. Amen.
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