How we greet our family members when they come through the door at the end of the day is important. There should be no place there for a list of woes, nagging words or a sour attitude when greeting them. We should be welcoming them for the glory of God as Scripture commands:
Welcome one another, therefore, as Christ has welcomed you, for the glory of God. Romans 15:7
Let’s make an all-out effort to greet them in as pleasant a manner as possible, one which honors God who gave them to us! No, we don’t have to blow up balloons and put on our best clothes to meet them at the door each evening. We can, however, welcome them warmly with bright eyes and a cheery smile. After all, they are your family, the ones who love you and whom you love.
Forget the problems of the day and the undone chores until later. Let all of that melt into the background as love surrounds your reunion.
Heavenly Father, no matter what has happened during my day, please give me joy in welcoming my family as You would want me to do. In Jesus’ name. Amen.
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