I used to hate how I made the capital D in my first name...until I met Jan who made the greatest looking Ds. Suddenly my Ds were transformed into things perky and upbeat.
That is such a simple thing. Yet I wonder how many others have touched my life and influenced it in over the years. There was Charlotte Brown with her gentle ways, pleasantly wrinkled face and all of the nursing knowledge I could absorb. Clare was the no-nonsense landlady who cleaned like a pro. Aunt Jo was a first rate domestic engineer, teaching me laundry tricks, how to defrost a freezer, how to cook fried potatoes and how to hang laundry on the clothesline. My mother taught me excellent organizational skills. Aunt Edith’s love for plants and animals rubbed off on me. On and on the list goes - all of the people who have touched my life, influenced me for good, to the love of God, for the benefit of my family.
I wonder whose life you are touching and influencing? May we each allow God to use us as blessings to others.
and the older women . . . train the young women to love their husbands and children, to be sensible, chaste, domestic, kind . . . . Titus 2:3&4
Heavenly Father, please open my eyes so that I can see the lives I am to touch. May my influence be that of Your loving touch. In Jesus’ name. Amen.
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