It had been a difficult five years. Three family members, two friends and various pets died. The house we were living in seemed to have problem after problem as did our cars. The sadness and grief and suffering seemed to go on and on.
Recently I attended, what we thought, was a seminar on grief. Instead it was a newly formed grief support group. As we listened to story after story about why each person was there, all we could see was fresh, raw grief and suffering. It was heart wrenching.
Then I realized that my eyes, too, had been red continually from crying. I had thought that I would never get over the sadness and grief. Now here I was a couple of years farther along the path. I realized that God’s promise of restoring, establishing and strengthening me had come about. My tears were less. I was able to move on with my life, not being stalled in a place of sorrow. God had been at work in me day by day. I hadn’t even been aware of the process . . . it had been so gradual. Amazing, this thing called grace.
And after you have suffered a little while, the God of all grace, who has called you to his eternal glory in Christ, will Himself restore, establish and strengthen you. I Peter 5:10
Heavenly Father, life sometimes almost seems too much but I thank You for restoring my soul and stengthening me to keep on. In Jesus’ name. Amen
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