My daughter began training Cozmo, a bull calf, when he was six weeks old. Hour after hour was spent with him, letting him become familiar with her voice and touch.
In these days of e-mail and fax machines, why take the time to train an ox? A farmer friend made the training request so that, with only a yoke on his shoulders and by voice commands, Cozmo could help with farm work. Hauling heavy buckets of sap to be boiled down into syrup, plowing the garden area, carting wood for the woodstove - these tasks were waiting for Cozmo when he was old enough and ready for the yoke.
The importance of beginning the training of Cozmo at a young age was readily apparent after just a few weeks. He was growing fast! Cozmo grew to love and trust our daughter.
No matter what our age, we are all young in the light of eternity. For us to come under the yoke of God’s rule in our lives, we must begin as early as possible, too. If we are to be of service to God in this world, we must become familiar with Jesus’ voice and touch day after day. When we are ready, He will be able to place the yoke of service on our shoulders for tasks He needs accomplished.
It is good for a man that he bear the yoke in his youth. Lamentations 3:27
Heavenly Father, please draw me close to You so that I recognize and respond to Your voice and touch in my life. In Jesus’ name. Amen.