Do we lead two lives? If we aren’t walking daily with the Lord, the life we live in the world’s eyes or when we are alone with ourselves will look nothing like the life we live in front of other believers.
How do we act when someone cuts us off in traffic, if a business deal doesn’t go our way, if we are inconvenienced, if the neighborhood children pick our prized flowers, if our pet dies, if our air conditioner breaks during a heat spell? Oh, how we try to keep that life a secret. We would be so embarrassed if another believer would see us at the moment we react in such an ungodly manner.
How do we act when we are around other believers? Are we full of good cheer, a plastic smile pasted on our face, so stiff. We sing songs, mouthing the words which don’t touch our hearts. We listen to the teaching about God Almighty and what He expects of us while our thoughts drift here and there, not listening or heeding.
The truth is - God does not want us to have two lives, but only one. He sees our hearts. He knows the real ‘us’. He doesn’t want us to live that secret life which so dishonors Him. Do we think He doesn’t see us at those times? He wants to live out His holy life through us . . . every moment of the day, no matter where we are or what the circumstances . . . if we would only allow Him to do so.
Nothing is covered up that will not be revealed, or hidden that will not be known. Whatever you have said in the dark shall be heard in the light and what you have whispered in private rooms shall be proclaimed upon the housetops. Luke 12:2 & 3
Heavenly Father, please give Your grace and power to me to live a life open to You. In Jesus' name. Amen
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