It was an unusually dry summer. Heat and humidity descended upon the midwest. It didn’t rain for weeks. Plants, animals, humans and trees were stressed from the lack of water. The grass was not only brown and dying, but crackled under foot, it was so dry.
Hardy plants wilted on their stems. Birds frequented the bird bath in search of water. Humans, too, started to feel the affects of the dryness. Water consumption was up, air conditioners ran day and night. Oh, for relief, we all cried out, watching the skies . . . hoping, longing for some rain.
Have you ever felt dry and parched spiritually? The answer is God Himself! We as humans are to long for God just as we long for rain. Without His Presence in our lives daily, we become parched, brittle and dry. God Himself invites us to partake. May we go to Him daily so that He may fill us with His living water.
. . . but whoever drinks of the water that I shall give him will never thirst, the water that I shall give him will become a kind of spring of water welling up to eternal life. John 4:14
Heavenly Father, I am so thirsty for You. Please fill me. In Jesus’ name. Amen.
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