Have you ever found yourself putting in long hours on a project in order to get it completed on time? Perhaps it was a quilt project for a class you were taking. Or a writing deadline hung over you. Maybe a project at work had to be completed before you went on vacation. Life seemed to be thrown out of balance as all of your time and energy was poured into the project. Meals were skimpy, sometimes non-existent. Your family was neglected. Your health suffered as you forgot all about your exercise regime. You knew that this was not a life which is pleasing to the Lord.
You decided to stop and prayerfully evaluate how you were spending your time and energy. The Lord gave you clear direction on how better to fulfill your objectives. All of a sudden it was like coming out into the sunshine from a cold, dark cave. Life’s pieces began to fit together more smoothly. It all got done in God’s good time. That peaceful life is part of what was promised in God’s Word.
I came that they may have life, and have it abundantly. John 10:10
Heavenly Father, please keep me from the frantic pace this world sets. I desire Your life which includes an abundance of peace within. In Jesus’ name. Amen.
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