The other day as I drove through my village, I noticed that the old bowling alley which had perched along the edge of the lake was gone - bulldozed - leveled to the ground. All that was left was a pile of rubble.
Have you ever felt like a bulldozer had just run over your life? Perhaps you have experienced the loss of a loved one, a change in job situations, graduation from school, a new house in an unknown neighborhood, a new baby in the family, an empty nest, retirement …all of these changes in our lives can give us the bulldozed feeling. We lose our bearings, unsure what is next, we don’t know which way to turn, what to think, what to feel. We become disoriented for a bit because things as we had known them are suddenly different.
After the bulldozer has done its work, we are in shock. The entire landscape of our lives is different.
Take heart - from the rubble, by God’s resurrection power in your life, something may happen which is so glorious you never could have imagined. The key, instead of making plans and re-building on your own, is to give your life over to the Master Builder. He has the Plan. He knows, layer upon layer, what is needed to re-build a life. Then cooperate with Him, obey Him. He will reveal what step to take next…and next…and next. If you haven’t learned to surrender to God’s Plan for your life - now is the perfect time to do so. He has the best Plan for each of us. If looking to God and living in obedience to Him has been worked into your character, you will have a life you may not even recognize. It will be that good.
So, if the bulldozer has arrived, stand aside and let God do His work in your life. He will build in you what is to endure for an eternity with Him.
You will show me the way of life, granting me the joy of Your presence and the pleasure of living with You forever. Psalm 16:11
Heavenly Father, the bulldozing can be so painful. Please help me look to You for what You will do next. In Jesus' name. Amen.
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