As a child growing up in Pennsylvania, I loved to play outside in the neighborhood - riding my bike, playing marbles, jumping rope, building forts in the trees. It was the fresh air, sunshine and freedom that called me to the out-of doors.
Yet my ears were always listening for my Dad’s whistle. Wherever I was, whatever I was doing, if I heard my Dad’s whistle, I came running. You see, my Dad was known for his beautiful, melodious whistle. During the war, my mother would know when he arrived home on leave, walking up the street toward home - because of his joyous whistle.
After my Mom and Dad had children, he created a whistle for each of us children so we would know who he was calling. Thus, no matter what we were doing, if we heard our father’s whistle for us, we’d run to him, eager to discover what he wanted.
How about you - do you, no matter what you are doing, have your ears open to the Father’s call to you? Is your heart open to His very own special ways which He uses to get your attention? When you hear Him calling, do you run with obedient feet to discover what He has to say to you?
“…when I called, no one answered, when I spoke they did not listen.”
Isaiah 66:4
This is such a sad picture, to me, of a God who is calling, wanting to communicate with us…and He is ignored.
Instead, let us say, “Your principles have been the music of my life throughout the years of my pilgrimage.” Psalm 119:54
Heavenly Father, I need to attune my heart to Yours. I long to hear what you have to say to me. In Jesus’ name. Amen
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