Don’t you love to see things in writing whether it is a letter from a friend, a list of things to do, a note from your children or words in a good book?
Over the years, if direction was needed from the Lord, I’ve always relied on His written Word. Of course, sometimes we can receive direction from circumstances, from friends’ counsel or thoughts running through our mind. To me, however, God’s direction through His written Word is special, something concrete which can be seen.
Recently when asking God’s direction about whether I should continue on a certain writing project, my first hint came in a book I was reading. “Go ahead” seemed to be the answer. The second hint came in Scripture which seemed to confirm the same answer. The third hint came from a sticky note placed in a library book by someone unknown. It read: “But we don’t give up on the things we were meant to do, which is another way of saying the passion we bring to our activities won’t allow us to quit them.” Needless to say, the project is moving ahead full blast.
How kind God is - and He certainly has a sense of humor. He not only puts His answer in writing. He sometimes uses a sticky note!
Every word of God proves true. Proverbs 30:5
Heavenly Father, please open my ears and eyes to see You and any direction You want to give me. In Jesus' name. Amen.
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