After a great deal of traffic through our house on the weekend, the floors needed a good cleaning. Out came the vacuum cleaner. After an initial pathetic dying sound, it was silent. I started to fuss and fume, envisioning the dirt getting deeper an thicker by the minute.
Remembering that someone had given us another vacuum, I trotted to the garage to
gather it, wondering if it would work. YES! In fact, it was a much nicer vacuum than the old one - much easier to use and with good suction, too. How like God, I thought, to take away one thing and replace it with something better. Our part is to keep our hearts open to the possibilities God wants to offer us.
I envision the apostle Paul and friends in prison. All of a sudden an earthquake struck. How would they respond: “Oh no, now what . . . we are already in a tight spot . . . and now an
earthquake on top of it all”? Or because they were already in tune with God, did they look around, sensing that God had sent that earthquake just for them - to give them something better?
May we, when difficulties appear, be found already in tune with God. May we look around to see what God is doing, then proceed with praise for Almighty God who has it all under control.
But about midnight Paul and Silas were praying and singing hymns to God, and the prisoners were listening to them, and suddenly there was a great earthquake so that the foundations of the prison were shaken; and immediately all the doors were opened and every one’s fetters were unfastened. Acts 16:25-26
Heavenly Father, please show me how to keep my heart in tune with You so that I am ready for anything which comes my way. In Jesus’ name. Amen.
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