In our minds we know that “we can’t take it with us” when we die. That truth was made real in my heart as my hand rested on a small maple box which held the cremated remains of my father.
Back at the house Dad’s favorite shirts still hung in his closet. On the floor by his chair were his well worn shoes. His dresser held all of his precious momentos - his watch, cuff links, letters from family. The house was still full of the beautiful maple furniture for which he and Mom saved and bought after World War II. In the driveway sat the car he purchased recently. His tool shed doors stood open, his father’s and grandfather’s tools still hanging safely on their hooks. Even the rosebushes Dad so carefully tended over the years remained.
My heart saw for itself the truth - when it is time to go Home to be with the Lord, we will only have ourselves to present before Him. May we present souls which are pure in His sight.
May the God of peace himself sanctify you wholly and my your spirit and soul and body be kept sound and blameless at the coming of our Lord Jesus Christ. I Thessalonians 5:23
Heavenly Father, please help me - starting today - to loosen my grasp on those things which do not have eternal value. Help me to hold onto those things which are valuable in Your eyes. In Jesus’ name. Amen.
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