A mile from my home, the balloon lost its battle to stay aloft, finally coming to rest in a swampy area surrounded by low hills, trees and water.
The chase crew showed up quickly to help the balloonist. Standing on the hillside with camera in hand, I watched as the crew tried to tug and pull the balloon up and out of that swamp. It was hot. It was impossible. The more the crew worked at it, the harder it became. The mosquitoes were biting them, the underbrush was attempting to swallow them. The crew just didn’t have the strength to move the balloon up and out of the quagmire.
Then all of a sudden, the crew and balloonist began to work as a team. As the balloonist would fire the burners, the balloon would lift off the ground just enough so the crew could begin to guide it up and out. Easily this time.
Isn’t that how our lives are sometimes? We try and try in our own strength to do something, often making matters worse. As we struggle, stumble and gasp, we finally realize we cannot do it without help. We call upon God who wanted to help all along. He sends His enabling Spirit to help us and we find we are guided up and out. Now if we can only ask for help a little sooner.
Not by might nor by power but by my Spirit saith the Lord. Zechariah 4:6
He who abides in Me (Jesus) and I in him, he it is that bears much fruit, for apart from Me you can do nothing. John 15:5
Heavenly Father, please help me turn to You first - for Your guidance and enabling in all I do. In Jesus’ name. Amen
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