Candy canes now come in all sizes and colors. Miniature candy canes hang from tree branches. Giant striped sticks are given as gifts. Some have the traditional red stripes, others are of a different hue.
Yet at the center of each candy cane is the purest of white - something at which to marvel. As it passes from machine to box, from hand to hand, buffeted by this and that, the center remains the same . . . pure white.
Especially at this season, may we seek for and find purity of soul. At the center of our being, let’s ask for and receive the cleansing forgiveness for which Jesus came to earth to provide us. May the God-given purity from within us shine outward to our loved ones, especially at this season.
Blessed are the pure in heart, for they shall see God. Matthew 5:8
Heavenly Father, I admit my sin and ask for Your complete cleansing and forgiveness. I want to walk with You daily in purity. In Jesus’ name. Amen.
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