The snow was deep that winter. As I walked through the apple orchard, I entered the pines where the snow liked to drift. It seemed that every day as I rounded one particular pine, I would sink up to my knees in the fluffy white stuff, falling in a heap.
The first time I fell, I was surprised and tried to scramble to my feet quickly, being embarrassed about the fall, straining my muscles as I struggled to get up.
A few days later it happened again. This time I rested a moment before scrambling to my feet, realizing that I was human after all - subject to stumbling and its consequences.
By the end of winter I would find myself laughing when I fell. I was actually enjoying being human on this gravity-bound earth.
In our walk with Jesus, we sometimes stumble and find ourselves in a heap. Let’s not be embarrassed for being human - let’s rest a moment in His care, knowing that if we will allow Him to do so, He will pick us up and set us again on His path.
The steps of a man are from the Lord, and He establishes him in whose way He delights; though he fall, he shall not be cast headlong, for the Lord is the stay of his hand.
Psalm 37:23& 24.
Heavenly Father, I thank You that You made me a human. Please make my steps more sure as I walk this earth. In Jesus’ name. Amen.
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