Yes, we probably each , as children, wanted to be cowboys, cowgirls, pilots and other superheroes or . . .
But as you grew and matured a bit, then what did you dream of becoming . . . of doing . . .
Inventing a . . .
Parenting children that . . .
Owning your own . . .
Taking a mission trip to . . .
Photographing a . . .
Writing a book about . . .
Painting a . . .
Creating a . . .
Mentoring two . . .
As the years marched by, perhaps you had to put some of your dreams on hold, some seeming to be impossible, never to be resurrected. There was an education to attain. A career to establish. A marriage to enjoy. Children to nurture.
But what about today? Day by day, you have become who you are now. Does who you are include any of your dreams or are they still dangling? Hopefully, under God’s direction SOME have become reality. But what about the ones left unfulfilled?
Think about it. Not just for a minute . . . but ponder the idea of the dreams God gave you long ago. Or maybe He has given you a new dream . . . .
Maybe it is time to go to Him, surrender the dangling dreams, unfulfilled dreams, old dreams and new dreams to Him. As we seek Him, He will breathe His life into the dreams He still wants to be fulfilled.
Whether we have two days remaining on earth, two years or two decades, we KNOW that the basis for our lives is to bring glory and honor to God:
“You are worthy, O Lord our God, to receive glory and honor and power. For You created everything and it is for Your pleasure that they exist and were created.” Revelation 4:11
So, as we think about giving glory to God with our every breath . . . and the dreams left dangling . . . let’s ask Him to gently lead us in the direction He wants us to go.
After all, the way we attain any dream (and give glory to God) is step by step. No one jumps into a dream in a minute. It takes a realization of what the dream is, of how God is leading and then following His directions step by step to get there. We can trust Him to show us the way. He’s the one who gave the dream. He will empower the steps to get there . . . and to reach Home, the dream accomplished.
Heavenly Father, please renew in me the dream or dreams which You placed within me. Please show me the practical steps of how to attain them. Then please empower me to faithfully walk the journey. In Jesus’ name. Amen.
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