“Time is so precious that it is dealt out to us only in the smallest possible fractions - a tiny moment at a time." Irish Proverb
How have you used the time God has given you this past year? Have you used it to honor and please God or to honor and please yourself? Or maybe half and half.
In order to take our lives back - to give them back to God who created us, perhaps we need to look at some potential problem areas and learn how we can do better now and into the future:
Have you squandered your time away by:
- Being so worried about loved ones’ health, lifestyle or well-being that you have neglected your own health and well-being?
- Being so busy doing good works that you are serving man instead of God?
- Speaking unkind words about others, chipping away at the foundation of your marriage, your family, your church, your very own life?
- Forgetting the principles of good self-care such as nutritious meals, regular exercise and a good dose of fresh air daily?
- Being so concerned about your financial situation that you can no longer hear God’s voice telling you what to do about it?
- Falling into patterns that resemble a rut so there is nothing new, fresh and different about your life?
Enough, you say! Yes, we can all identify with at least one time waster - and we can probably write out some of our own.
As time unfolds, let’s TAKE BACK OUR LIVES AND GIVE THEM ANEW TO THE GOD WHO CREATED US AND LOVES US BEYOND MEASURE. He has the blueprint for each of our lives. If we follow His blueprint, we will be all He wants us to be - pleasing and honoring Him minute by precious minute.
I appeal to you therefore . . . by the mercies of God, to present your bodies as a living sacrifice, holy and acceptable o God which is your spiritual worship. Romans 12:1
Heavenly Father, please forgive me for squandering precious minutes, hours and days. Please teach me how to better please You. In Jesus’ name. Amen.
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