One year I journeyed to a conference for writers. Upon arrival at the registration table, I noticed another early arriver - a woman in her late 40s, standing alone clutching her notebook and purse.
It seemed that everywhere I turned that day, there was that same woman, standing alone. She seemed like a lost orphan.
When it came time to go to lunch, some of us decided to go across the street to a nearby restaurant. As we were dodging traffic to get there, that same woman was also dodging traffic, going to lunch by herself. Seeing her so alone pulled at my heartstrings. She was invited to join us for lunch. As we progressed to the restaurant, we came upon more “orphans”, inviting them to sit with us, too. What an interesting, fun lunch we had!
Perhaps Scripture’s command to care for the widows and orphans includes “orphans” who we notice could use a friend - even just for lunch one day.
Learn to do good; seek justice, defend the orphans, plead for the widow. Isaiah 1:17
Heavenly Father, please give me eyes to see and a heart to respond to those who are lonely, in need of a friend. In Jesus’ name. Amen
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