Tuesday, October 14, 2008


Recently we wondered why some family members always seemed to be late when we headed out the door. We just couldn’t figure out the problem until we realized that the clocks upstairs were five minutes behind those downstairs.

Just think how terrible it would be if God expected us to be somewhere or to represent Him doing something, if our “clocks” weren’t set to His timing of things. He may want a meal delivered to a family in the neighborhood but because our “clock” doesn’t match His, the meal wouldn’t arrive until their bedtime. Or He may want us to visit a friend in the hospital, but our “clock” is off and we don’t get there until after they had been discharged to go home. Or our child or grandchild needs a lap to sit on but our “clock” is off and we don’t realize the need until too late.

At our house, once the problem was discovered, we synchronized all of our clocks so that we were all headed in the same direction at the same time. It would probably be an excellent idea if we would do the same and allow God to synchronize our lives and timing with His master plan.

My times are in Thy hands. Psalm 31:15

Heavenly Father, I desire to live according to Your time frame. Please help . . . . In Jesus’ name. Amen.

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