These numbers are shocking and should cause us to wonder: How could this be? After all, a wife is not the mother of the man. She is not his keeper. The husband is a competent adult. Why would his health suffer?
Could it be because women who work in the home and also work full time outside the home are in perpetual motion? Do we take time to to enjoy our families? Do we have time to have a conversation with our spouse? Are we so busy that an abundance of take-out food is being consumed instead of nutritious home-cooked meals? When we do have a sit-down meal at home, do we eat in a rush, never lingering over our meals? Is grocery shopping, too, done quickly without much thought to the nutritional quality of the food purchased? Does the stress level of family members rise with each passing day? Could all of this be causing damage to the very ones we love and want to serve? How ironic - the very people we feel we are helping by working so hard may be the very people we are hurting in very subtle ways.
Then the Lord God said, “It is not good for man to be alone; I will make him a helper fit for him.” Genesis 2:18
Heavenly Father, You know what is best for me and for those I love. Please help me to hear Your direction for my life. In Jesus’ name. Amen.
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