Sunday, June 2, 2013


And  may He so strengthen your hearts in holiness that you may be blameless before our God and  Father at the coming of our Lord Jesus Christ with all His saints.                    I Thessalonians 3:12

Do you remember the construction site I talked about in a previous 'Reflection' - you know the one, about God building YOU?  First came the bulldozers and then came the re-building. Then it was you showing up at the site to be a partner in the re-building.

As time  has gone by these past few weeks, I have enjoyed watching the building rise from the dirt.   I have been disappointed, however, in the 'results'.  Plain cinder block walls were raised with few, if any windows.  I wondered WHO designed THAT?  It was serviceable but not very pleasing to the eye.  I was reminded of our lives sometimes - everything is in place - home, job, family, duties….yet there is a lack of sparkle and beauty.

Then one day about two weeks ago, everything changed.  Isn't that like our lives sometimes, too?  There is sameness, responsibility, duty…….and then God sends change. 

Two weeks ago, I noticed that in the front of that sturdy gray block of a building, some steel beams were placed….there would be windows, doors, a pleasing view inside and out!  I envisioned BEAUTY!  Isn't that just how  God works in our lives, too?  We think our life is 'done' - we are living it day by day but without much sparkle…and then God steps in and says that He isn't finished yet.  There is MORE to come.  There is more BEAUTY to be added to us and our lives.  We don't quite know what it will all look like but by faith we KNOW it will be GOOD.

I don't know about you, but  I'm looking forward to seeing what that building will look like….and what my life will look like.   The Plan is drawn up, re-building is going on in each of our lives.  Let's not forget to show up at the site to be a willing participant!.

Heavenly Father, thank YOU that You are at work in our lives and You are SO creative and kind that we just KNOW it will be good.  Thank you, in Jesus' name.  Amen.

'Reflection of God's Glory' copyright 2012 by Dawn Ulmer

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