Tuesday, January 1, 2013


                                               The Lord is my shepherd…  Psalm 23:1

The Lord directs our steps so why try to understand everything along the way. Proverbs 20:24

Years ago, I owned some sheep.  Three of them to be exact - Sarah, Maggie and Mary.  As each gave birth, I took ewes and lambs home to my own small barn.  Now there were three more - Snarl, Petunia and Rocco.  What a delight it was to look out my kitchen window to see the lambs frolicking and the mothers peacefully eating.

One day I realized that the small barn area was just too small.  My six wooly friends needed to go out on the pasture which was, by then, lush and green. 

It was quite tricky getting them into that pasture but, once there, all was good.  They had plenty to eat, space under the expansive sky to enjoy and they were safe.

If we have given our lives to our Good Shepherd, He also watches over us, knowing when it is time to change pastures. 

Sheep, not being the wisest of creatures, will eat down a pasture until there is nothing left.  They aren't smart enough to plan what to do next which would be healthier.  We can count on our Good Shepherd to know us and know our needs, moving us to the next place He intends for us, a healthier place.

As we enter the new year, let's look around and see if the Lord intends something even better for us.  As humans, we tend to get comfortable where we are, not willing to move ahead, balking at change even if it is going to be good for us.  May our eyes and ears be open to the Shepherd's leading.  May we truly be His in all ways.

No, we may not understand all of the steps along the way, but we don't need to.  The Shepherd knows.  We can trust Him.  He has our pathways all planned out. It is just our responsibility, as His sheep, to obey as He leads us.

Heavenly Father, please give me eyes to see, ears to hear Your leading and a heart willing to obey You.  In Jesus'  name.  Amen.

             'Reflection of God's Glory' copyright 2013  Dawn Ulmer  deu49097@yahoo.com
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