How many times, day by day, do we make decisions and choices without even asking the Lord His desire for us? We just seem to bounce from one activity to the next. “This” sounds good so we become involved. “ That” sounds fun so, of course, we do it. We don’t stop and turn to Him to listen to what He may say. God’s voice is completely ignored.
Eventually, as activities and responsibilities stack up, the avalanche is ready to tumble - all landing on us. We don’t have a clue how we ended up so far off His path. All we know is that our life is out of balance, not in line with what the Creator intended.
Realization comes. We see that we haven’t been going to the Lord concerning any of the details of our lives - big or small. We know it is time to say,
“Speak, Lord, for thy servant hears.” I Samuel 3:10
May we, daily, seek the Lord’s divine directives in all things. Our feet will firmly march forward on His path if we will only stop, ask Him and open our hearts to hear.
Heavenly Father, please forgive me for trying to live life without turning to You for direction. Please slow me down so that I ask for Your thoughts on all matters - big and small. In Jesus’ name. Amen.
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