My family and I were thinking about and praying about a move. We had some business ideas which we wanted to pursue. The house where we lived, however, didn’t seem practical for our new ventures.
We began to ask the Lord for direction, keeping our eyes and ears open. While waiting, we began to de-clutter and box any excess belongings. Our eyes and hearts were open . . . yet we couldn’t see where to go.
One morning I awoke to fog outside and all around our house. I couldn’t see past the yard into the soy bean fields. There was only haze after that. I felt like I was looking into a foggy mirror, seeing only a blurred image of myself, nothing beyond.
How wise of God, I thought, not to show us the future until He is ready to open the way. I knew that as we took step by step in obedience to the Lord, the fog would gradually lift and we would know . . . what next. Even if it meant remaining where we were.
For now we see in a mirror dimly, but then face to face. Now I know in part and then I shall understand fully even as I have been fully understood. I Corinthians 13:12
Heavenly Father, please help me to understand the wisdom of seeing only today. As You want me to step out, please lift the fog and help me step ahead confidently. In Jesus’ name. Amen.
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