Lead me, O Lord, in your righteousness . . . make your way straight before me, Psalm 5:8
GOD is GOD of your past
Are you pleased with your past? Or do you wish you could go back for do-overs?
God in His wisdom won't allow that… God is God of our past. He was there every second before we even drew a breath…and every day since then…as God.
For thou didst form my inward parts,
thou didst knit me together in my mother's womb. Ps. 139:13
Thy eyes beheld my unformed substance;
in thy book were written every one of them,
the days that were formed for me,
when as yet there was none of them. Psalm 139:16
GOD is GOD of your past.
GOD is GOD of your present
Are you enjoying this season of your life? Or is it difficult? Are you content with what is…or do you wish you could run away from it all? No matter the situation, God is God of your present. You can trust Him to be there as He gives daily wisdom, strength and guidance.
The Lord is my shepherd, I shall not want. Psalm 23:1 (Please read all)
GOD is GOD of your future.
How do you feel about your future? Are you confident that God has it all planned out and under His loving control? Or are you afraid?
Have no anxiety abut anything, but in everything by prayer and supplication with thanksgiving let your requests be known to God. And the peace of God which passes all understanding, will keep your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus. Phil. 4:6-7
GOD is GOD of your eternity.
Have you heard the saying: I've read the back of the Book and we've won! It's true!!! God is God of our eternity!
In my Father's house are many rooms…. I go to prepare a place for you…. I will come again and will take you to myself, that where I am you may be also.
John 1:2-3
Thank you, Heavenly Father that YOU are GOD and Your Presence in my life is real and vital. In Jesus' name. Amen.
Reflections of God's Glory copyright 2011 by Dawn Ulmer deu49097@yahoo.com
Once upon a time, Peter (a disciple of Jesus), walked on water…once.
How about your life? Do you sense that you are being called by God to walk on water not only once but daily, many times a day, perhaps long into future days?
The job I hold is a challenge. It is in customer service. We all know what that means - taking telephone call after call, day after day, soothing ruffled feathers, imparting knowledge when needed, being patient with the impatient, untangling issues for resolution. When I began, I knew that I could handle one phone call (maybe)…once…but day after day, with an average of a hundred calls per day…all week…all month…all year…year after year, could I do it? We are to live a day at a time yet sometimes we just know that this walking on water is going to be a daily necessity for many days to come. Perhaps you are raising children, caring for elderly parents, working at a difficult job. trying to keep your marriage healthy - all take walking on water….daily.
Thinking about Peter's life in this regard, I can see impetuous Peter jumping out of the boat into the water, so willing to please the Lord. Once…. It is the same Peter, after years of God's training to walk on the water once…twice…again and again, who could pen I and II Peter (may I encourage you to read what he has to say to us). These letters reveal what God will do in a man or woman who is willing to jump out of the boat onto the water not only once but every day of their lives.
As we walk, may we hear echoes of His Word to us:
Apart from Me, you can do nothing. John 15:5
My grace is sufficient for you. II Corinthians 12:9
I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me. Philippians 4:13
And again…As they days, so shall thy strength be. Deuteronomy 33:25
Heavenly Father, I desire Your will and to walk on water as many times as You choose for as long as you want me to do so. Please empower me by Your Spirit to walk so as to please you. In Jesus' name. Amen.
If you were asked, "Does God love you?" What would your answer be?
Stop a minute, please, and think about your answer….
Each of us have had different life experiences. Some lives have been sunny, some have been stormy. Most of us have had a mixture of sun and storm.
Yet, either way, can we declare with a certainty: GOD LOVES ME! I KNOW IT!
Isn't it good to know that God doesn't just TELL us He loves us with flowery, flattering words? He gets right in the trenches with and and walks with us through the difficulties…or in the sunshine.
The trenches? I'm sure you know them - the day you are diagnosed with cancer. The day the job dried up and was gone. The day you didn't know where the money would come from just to live life. The day of the miscarriage. The day your husband walked away. The day your child was in a life threatening accident.
Yes, each of us know the trenches. Yet can we declare:
Even though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death, I will fear no evil, for THOU art with me." Psalm 23:4
God did not promise us a life filled with only flowers . He KNEW that life here in this garden of reality, would be filled also with thorns and weeds. He never said, "I love you, so nothing difficult will happen to you." Being in this sin-sick world guarantees us difficulties. Yet God promises to be WITH us in the midst of it all. His love is showered on us each step of the way - to guide us to the other side (YES, there is the other side) and to empower us to keep going until we reach it.
My prayer for us is this:
…that you, being rooted and grounded in love, may have power to comprehend what is the breadth and length and height and depth and to know the love of Christ which surpasses knowledge…. Ephesians 17 & 18.
'Reflections of God's Glory' copyright 2011 by Dawn Ulmer deu49097@yahoo.com
Please feel free to share.
If you own a camera, do you take full advantage of all of its features? If you use a sewing machine, do you take time to learn to use its capabilities? How about your computer - do you explore the various applications so you can use them to the fullest? When you take an antibiotic, do you take it to irradiate the germs totally?
Most of us don't realize the benefits, features, capabilities and power available to us - not only in our physical world but in the vast spiritual world where God is God.
Just as using cameras, phones and computers requires that we must discover and avail ourselves of what is offered, we need to discover and avail ourselves of what God Himself offers us: eternal life, wisdom to walk the path He has given us, discernment along the way, knowledge, love for ourselves and for the unlovable, peace in times of chaos, joy which can be deep inside no matter the circumstances, His kindness when we most need it, His goodness in a world full of things which don't look so good, His gentleness when the world is rough on us and His self control when all in our lives seem out of control. He wants us to be full of power - His power.
I was reminded of this concept of being POWER FULL as I was taking an antibiotic for an abscessed tooth this past week. The antibiotic should have been powerful enough to kill the germs to promote healing. However, as days went by, it was apparent that is wasn't working…. The dentist discovered that a weak dosage of antibiotic had been prescribed, thus causing extended suffering and little healing. If I had been able to avail myself of ALL of the power needed, there would have been a different outcome. Instead, I limped along, struggling.
How do we discover and take full advantage of what God offers us? It's as simple as asking Him for what we need. It is simply crying out for His help.
Then they cried to the Lord in their trouble, He delivered them from their distress.
Psalm 107: 6, 13, 19, 28 (Please read all of 107)
May I encourage you to study, discover and take full advantage of ALL God wants to offer you for this walk on earth. He did not intend that we should limp along but that we should allow His holy, victorious life to be lived out within and through us. Let's be POWER FULL!
Heavenly Father….HELP…in Jesus' Name. Amen.
'Reflections of God's Glory' copyright 2011 by Dawn Ulmer deu49097@yahoo.com
"A friend loves at all times"
Proverbs 17:17
Baltasar Gracian, a Spanish Jesuit scholar wisely stated: “Look for friends who can last, and when they’re new, be satisfied that one day they will be old. The best ones of all are those well salted, with whom we have shared bushels of experience. Life without friends is a wasteland.”
Friends, old or new, are treasures! Especially old friends with whom you’ve had a history. Old friends seem to pick up conversations where they left off 25…50….100 years ago. Have you noticed that? New friends add something precious to our lives.
Recently I have connected with a cousin whom I haven't seen since I was ten years old. We have some family history and genealogy to share! I have also been connecting with some high school friends. It is amazing the paths over which God has led us these many years. Also, a yearly reunion for ladies who came to my home for two years for Bible study has just been established. The year went by fast but it was so heart warming as 12 ladies shared what the Lord was doing in their lives since we last saw each other. I have also joined a world-wide photography 'group ' on the Internet - flickr.com which opens the world to new friendships being developed from as far away as Germany, Canada, Portugal, Russia, Thailand and some nearby throughout the United States…and I didn't even have to leave home.
Take some time and ask yourself:
Which friends from my past would I enjoy connecting with again? Is God bringing someone to mind? It may take a little detective work on your part, but it is possible to find almost anyone today.
What are some new areas which I could explore which would open my up world to new friendships? A writing group, photography club, small groups at your place of worship...
Don't forget, to have a friend, first one must be a friend. The following are some of the qualities found between friends in a healthy, growing relationship:
* There is a willingness to nurture growth in each other.
* Each listens with her or his heart - not only to what is said but to what is not said.
* Trustworthiness is exhibited in matters discussed in confidence.
* Patience and forgiveness are practiced for inadequacies and mistakes.
* Through the inevitable joys and sorrow of life, being available to each other during those times is an essential ingredient.
How do we keep our friendships growing?
1. Take the initiative. Your friend is probably as busy as you are. Don’t wait for him/her to take action. Taking the initiative shows you really care.
2. Make time. If we wait until we find the time to develop friendships, we will never do it. We must make the time. Specific time must be set aside for your relationship to grow and prosper.
3. Keep in touch regularly. In these days of e-mail, Facebook, texting or the telephone, there is almost no excuse for neglecting to keep in touch on a regular basis.
Is God bringing anyone to mind with whom He would like you to connect? Step out in obedience to Him, He is trying to enrich your life.
Heavenly Father, please still my mind so that I may hear You - if there is anyone with whom I am to connect or re-connect, please prompt me to do so. In Jesus' name. Amen.