Think about it…
Jesus taught us perfectly how to live in the NOW. Not in the past nor in the future, but in the NOW.
Think about it….
Jesus must have longed for the days before He came to this dusty, sin-filled planet yet He didn't 'dwell' there so that He couldn't be about His Father's business NOW.
Think about it…
Jesus also didn't 'dwell' on what was to unfold for Him in the future - the betrayal, the suffering, His death on a cross. If He had, he wouldn't have been as effective in the NOW of His life and death.
How about you?
Are you 'dwelling' in the past, remembering golden bygone days, longing to be there once again while neglecting the NOW God has given you? Or are you 'dwelling' in the past with regrets and bitterness, unable to even see the NOW?
Are you 'dwelling' in the future with all of its uncertainties so that you are too paralyzed by fears to live in the NOW? Or are you so busy looking to the future that you are neglecting the NOW?
Let's make a renewed commitment to God and His purposes for us in the NOW. He has work for each of us to do, new memories to make, joys to experience. The work, memories and joys can only be experienced if we focus on Him in the NOW.
THIS is the day the Lord has made, let us rejoice and be glad in it. Psalm 118:24
Heavenly Father, please open my eyes to see what You would have me do NOW. In Jesus' name. Amen.
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