So you see it isn't enough just to have faith.
Faith that doesn't show itself by good deeds is no faith at all - it is dead and useless.
James 2:17As the new year unfolds, what are some of the 'shoulds' which have been echoing in your mind?
Do they sound somewhat like this:
I 'should be more patient with my spouse…my children…my elderly parents…my neighbor…my friend….
I 'should' eat more oatmeal and take longer walks.
I 'should' do my work more carefully and diligently.
I 'should' clear out some of this clutter from my basement…garage…closets.
i 'should' read the Word daily…pray more diligently.
The list of 'shoulds' goes on and on, sunrise to sunset, day after day. What are your 'shoulds'? Which 'shoulds' are from God? Which are 'shoulds' that society dictates or that your own guilt screams about. Wouldn't it be best to take those echoing 'shoulds' and surrender them to God so He can tell you what 'shoulds' HE wants you to tackle?
When it is clear what GOD wants, then you can help MAKE IT HAPPEN. Not by your own strength but by His Spirit who works within and through you.
For God is working in you, giving you the desire and the power to do what pleases Him. Philippians 2:13
Go for it! MAKE IT HAPPEN!!! Without faith, it is impossible to please God and without works, our faith is dead and useless.
MAKE IT HAPPEN!!! Experience all the good God has for you and all the good you can present to Him before His throne.
Heavenly Father, please show me clearly what I should and should not be doing in this chapter of my life - to bring You honor and glory. In Jesus' name. Amen.
'Reflections of God's Glory' copyright 2013 by Dawn Ulmer
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