But blessed are those who trust in the Lord and have made the Lord their hope and confidence.
Once upon a time, Peter (a disciple of Jesus), walked on water…once.
How about your life? Do you sense that you are being called by God to walk on water not only once but daily, many times a day, perhaps long into future days?
The job I hold is a challenge. It is in customer service. We all know what that means - taking telephone call after call, day after day, soothing ruffled feathers, imparting knowledge when needed, being patient with the impatient, untangling issues for resolution. When I began, I knew that I could handle one phone call (maybe)…once…but day after day, with an average of a hundred calls per day…all week…all month…all year…year after year, could I do it? We are to live a day at a time yet sometimes we just know that this walking on water is going to be a daily necessity for many days to come. Perhaps you are raising children, caring for elderly parents, working at a difficult job. trying to keep your marriage healthy - all take walking on water….daily.
Thinking about Peter's life in this regard, I can see impetuous Peter jumping out of the boat into the water, so willing to please the Lord. Once…. It is the same Peter, after years of God's training to walk on the water once…twice…again and again, who could pen I and II Peter (may I encourage you to read what he has to say to us). These letters reveal what God will do in a man or woman who is willing to jump out of the boat onto the water not only once but every day of their lives.
As we walk, may we hear echoes of His Word to us:
Apart from Me, you can do nothing. John 15:5
My grace is sufficient for you. II Corinthians 12:9
I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me. Philippians 4:13
And again…As they days, so shall thy strength be. Deuteronomy 33:25
Heavenly Father, I desire Your will and to walk on water as many times as You choose for as long as you want me to do so. Please empower me by Your Spirit to walk so as to please you. In Jesus' name. Amen.