Monday, April 30, 2012
…make every effort to supplement your faith with virtue, and virtue with knowledge, and knowledge with self control, and self control with steadfastness, and steadfastness with godliness, and godliness with brotherly affection, and brotherly affection with love. II Peter 1:5-7
In a world of remote banking, the GPS and the internet, where we want tasks completed NOW, there are some things in life which cannot be rushed.
For example, a newborn, by the click of a button, cannot be urged to fast forward to becoming a mature young adult.
In our lives, also, we cannot be hurried as we grow and change spiritually, physically and emotionally.
I was especially reminded of this as I watched a construction site recently. Someone had spent tremendous time, effort and energy creating The Plan
When The Plan was ready, the bulldozers arrived to clear the debris. After the bulldozers, the scaffolding was put into place. Next, the walls were raised. At present, it is still a mystery as to what it will finally become.
Just like our lives - The Plan has been drawn up by the Master Architect - God Himself. If we are wise, we will join in partnership with Him to create what we will become. It won't be an instantaneous building but step by step, in obedience to God, He will build us….
Let's remember throughout the building process, it is God through His Spirit who provides the building materials - faith, virtue, knowledge, self control, steadfastness, godliness, brotherly affection and love. Since the Supplier of the building materials is God, it is our duty and privilege to receive them at our site and continue in partnership with Him to follow His Plan. Day after day we are to 'show up' at our very own building site so He can get us ready for our heavenly home which He is busy constructing for us. We want to be fit and ready.
Heavenly Father, thank you for providing what I need so that You can build me into the person you have planned. In Jesus' name. Amen.
'Reflections for God's Glory' copyright 2021 by Dawn Ulmer
Sunday, April 29, 2012
Sunday, April 22, 2012
The Rock Jesus
Sunday, April 15, 2012

If you were asked, "Does God love you?" What would your answer be?
Stop a minute, please, and think about your answer….
Each of us have had different life experiences. Some lives have been sunny, some have been stormy. Most of us have had a mixture of sun and storm.
Yet, either way, can we declare with a certainty: GOD LOVES ME! I KNOW IT!
Isn't it good to know that God doesn't just TELL us He loves us with flowery, flattering words? He gets right in the trenches with and and walks with us through the difficulties…or in the sunshine.
The trenches? I'm sure you know them - the day you are diagnosed with cancer. The day the job dried up and was gone. The day you didn't know where the money would come from just to live life. The day of the miscarriage. The day your husband walked away. The day your child was in a life threatening accident.
Yes, each of us know the trenches. Yet can we declare:
Even though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death, I will fear no evil, for THOU art with me." Psalm 23:4
God did not promise us a life filled with only flowers . He KNEW that life here in this garden of reality, would be filled also with thorns and weeds. He never said, "I love you, so nothing difficult will happen to you." Being in this sin-sick world guarantees us difficulties. Yet God promises to be WITH us in the midst of it all. His love is showered on us each step of the way - to guide us to the other side (YES, there is the other side) and to empower us to keep going until we reach it.
My prayer for us is this:
…that you, being rooted and grounded in love, may have power to comprehend what is the breadth and length and height and depth and to know the love of Christ which surpasses knowledge…. Ephesians 17 & 18.
'Reflections of God's Glory' copyright 2011 by Dawn Ulmer
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