When people think of you, how would you be described?
Are you considered cheerful and usually in good humor or are you negative, sour and bitter?
Are you usually on time or are you known for your unreliability?
Are you dependable or do people wonder if you will follow through on your commitments, whether big or small?
Are you careful in the use of material resources or are you wasteful?
Do you walk through life with good energy or do you drag yourself through every waking hour, grumbling all the way?
Are you truthful or are you known to exaggerate or outright lie?
Do you always have to be right or can you humbly admit when you are wrong and make amends?
Are you a giver or a taker?
Do you treat others as you'd like to be treated or don't you care?
Are you consistently kind, patient and loving or are you filled with impatience toward others (and yourself)?
Are you at peace or is there anger raging within you, boiling over, hurting others?
Do you love with words and deeds or are your words of love empty and meaningless?
Do you act the same way in private with your loved ones as you do in the public's eye?
When upset, do you exhibit self control or to you erupt with angry words and actions?
Do people need to walk on eggshells around you or are you approachable and kind?
The probing questions could go on and on... but let's stop a minute and consider how others see us...but most important, how does GOD see us?
Yes, He sees us with loving eyes. Yes, He knows that we are but children, still imperfect - learning to become more like Jesus every day.
Let's not forget the truth about ourselves:
The way of the righteous will shine brighter and brighter until full day. Prov. 4:18
If we truly belong to God, we will be in the process of becoming more like Jesus daily - that is what following Jesus means - to follow Him closely - to become more like Him in the core of our being - in our spirits where His Holy Spirit has come to live.
His Spirit within reveals how we are to live and
His Spirit within empowers us to live as He directs.
So, since we belong to Him, we WILL shine brighter and brighter. Who we truly are before God and man will shine forth.
You are the light of the world.... Let your light so shine before men that they may see your good works and glorify your Father who is in heaven. Matt. 5 :14-16
Heavenly Father, please help me be Your light in the world. In Jesus' name. Amen.
Let's shine!